Welcome to our Library

The purpose of this library is to provide LmIDC students with learning and practice resources. The “Steps” section contains components of our repertoire presented as isolated steps for the purpose of learning and practice. But sean nós dance is improvisational! So once you have a move down, take it and mix it up and incorporate it with other steps and moves. Have fun!

There is no standard lexicon in sean nós dancing – all step names and terminology in this section is as was used by the teacher from whom we got the step , or was created within our group for the sake of identifying a step or move.


Beginner Combos 1

Clare Basic, Tidy

Clare Basic with Jump

Clare Dance at Home; End Treble

Clare Dance at Home; Simple

Clare Dance at Home; Three Trebles

Clare Tidy, with Heel Click

Crossover with Heels

Heels Forward

Jig Advance Retire

Jig Toe Dent

Heels, Front First

Hips with Trebles


These are some of the exercises we use to improve overall dancing technique.

Keep Dancing exercise

Starting and Stopping exercise

Tango exercise